Never Summer Range |

The Never Summer Range is a really cool range in Northern Colorado. It's highest peak - Mount Richthofen - is just shy of 13,000 feet. The range sits at the northwest corner of Rocky Mountain National Park with large segments in the Never Summer Wilderness and Colorado State Forest State Park (and little spilling over into the tiny Neota Wilderness).
I've been up several of the peaks that run along the main north-south ridge, but I've never ventured further west. Unfortunately the rock in most parts of the range is pretty manky. My favorite Peak in the Never Summer Range is Nokhu Crags - it just looks so dang cool!
- Parika Peak, Farview Mountain and Bowen Mountain - August 17, 2020
- Nokhu Crags - Grand Central Couloir - May 14, 2006
- Never Summer Ridge Run - September 17, 2005
- Mount Mahler - August 29, 2004
- Tepee-Richthofen-Static Loop - July 11, 2004
- Iron Mountain - May 22, 2004
- Lulu Mountain - July 27, 2003