Practice Ultra Marathon from Coyote Ridge Trailhead

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This was my last big run before tapering for Moab's Redhot 50k. Brian and I went from Coyote Ridge Trailhead to the Blue Sky Trail up and over the Indian Summer loop to Devils Backbone Trailhead where we watered up. Then we headed back north up the Blue Sky Trail, did the Indian Summer loop again, and continued north to the Soderberg Trailhead. We met Eric there where he had our drop bags with some dry clothes and food. We fueled up and then headed back south back to the Coyote Ridge Trailhead. It was 30.7 miles with 3,533 ft of vertical gain. My moving time was 5 hours and 52 minutes.
This was also an opportunity to practice shooting video footage while running. I used my Canon SD800 IS point-and-shoot camera. I wasn't sure if the video quality (or the shaking) would make it worth the trouble, but it turned out okay. I learned a few things so hopefully I can shoot a better video at the race. This was also the first time I used the new version of iMovie on my new Mac. It seems a lot more complicated than the old version (which hopefully means they've added a lot of cool new capability) but the learning curve seems rather steep. I figured out some things but others I'm still learning. It may even come to the point where I have to read the manual... but I'm not there yet ;-)
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